St Agnes' Community Centre for Music and the Arts (CCMA)

St. Agnes' Community Centre for Music and the Arts (CCMA) CLG is a centre of excellence in Music and the Arts, the heartbeat of the Crumlin community, welcoming all members of the community in the spirit of inclusiveness and equality to participate in music and arts, which will improve individual and community wellbeing and enhance lives.

The CCMA is the umbrella organisation for a number of musical and arts initiatives, including:

  • Scoil Úna Naofa Violin and Orchestra Project: Free weekly tuition in violin, viola, cello, double bass and music theory. The pupils also have an opportunity to perform in an ensemble. In total, 406 young pupils at Scoil Úna Naofa are involved in the project. Instruments are provided free of charge to the young learners.
  • St. Agnes' Teenage Chamber Orchestra: Free weekly tuition and an opportunity to play in an ensemble for past pupils of Scoil Úna Noafa who have progressed to separate secondary schools. Instruments are provided free of charge for use by the teenagers.
  • St. Agnes' Parents’ String Orchestra: An opportunity for parents and families of those young pupils and for people from the wider Crumlin community to learn an instrument and perform in a large orchestral group. Currently there are 119 members in the orchestra. All are welcome including those who have never played an instrument before, those who played when they were young and have returned to music, and everyone in-between. Weekly practical and theoretical tuition is provided to all new members. Instruments are provided to new members who have not yet had access to a stringed instrument.
  • St. Agnes' Musical Society: The Musical Society has produced 13 marvellous productions since it’s inception in 2012. Including The Sound of Music, South Pacific, Oklahoma!, Fiddler on the Roof and pantomimes such as Hansel and Gretel and Puss in Boots.
  • St. Agnes' Cultural and Heritage Society: Ireland’s culture and heritage treasures are regularly explored by members from the wider community, including trips to Kilkenny Castle, Kildare Village, the historic city of Waterford and the National Art Gallery.
  • Quality group music classes at an affordable cost for the wider community: Group classes make it affordable for members of the community to learn an instrument.
  • Choirs: Memory Lane Choir and St. Agnes' Community Choir


St Agnes' Community Centre for Music and the Arts (CCMA)