National Touring Programme

National Touring Programme
We work to provide equitable local access to, and participation in, live music. We bring exceptional and affordable live music experiences to every corner of the country from Donegal to Kerry and everywhere in between.

Every year we present 8 to 10 national tours in partnership with our network of over 40 partner promoters, so that audiences can have access to world class musicians on their doorstep.

Our touring programme provides professional musicians with performance opportunities and nationwide promotion, and we support those musicians every step of the way throughout the tour from the planning to the delivery. To date our tours have provided performance opportunities for over 1000 musicians on approximately 300 national and international music tours, sharing their music with thousands of people in Ireland and beyond.

Our tours are ambitious in their diversity and quality, and engage world-class Irish and international acts, including newly curated ensembles performing together for the first time.

Our National Touring Programme has a strong educational element, and our touring artists deliver workshops and masterclasses in schools, colleges and community groups throughout the tour. Find out more about our workshops and masterclasses.

For more information on our National Touring Programme contact